
Remember - Its not the length of your life that's important - it's the depth.

Monday, 30 June 2014

I'm so excited!!

Remember I said I may finally get my 15 minutes of fame? (see post on 19th June) well seems like I won't be going after all, having chatted to Tina (Owner of the the Wool Stop) at Knit & Knatter last week, she explained that the TV company would like to feature someone who can spin, and as she can spin and I can't, seems she is the one who really needs to go so would I mind very much dropping out, at first I was disappointed of course, BUT THEN she asked me to look after the shop for her ALL day, imagine little me in her lovely knitting emporium surrounded by all that Yarn...oooh! the temptation, the uncontrollable urge to 'buy just one teeny little ball' of something wonderful and soft and wooly - but resist I must, instead I will console myself with looking and sit and knit and assist customers who come in to buy something for themselves and be happy that she asked me to 'mind the store' while she is away. I also get to have a front seat for the Carnival Fancy Dress parade which goes right past the front door of the shop TWICE on it's way to the showground. I just hope I get everything right and that the books balance at the end of the day. So my friends just in case any of you are near enough to Thornbury where there are lots of lovely places to get coffee and cake or even a spot of lunch and some glorious Hanging baskets to admire, do drop by the Wool Stop and say hello and see our town at it's best on Carnival Day.

That's all for now!

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